As the lead agency for the Tampa/Hillsborough County CoC, we want to ensure transparency and easy access to important CoC related documents and reports that are key components of organizing and delivering an effective system of housing and services to reduce and end homelessness in our community:
Housing Inventory Count Chart (HIC)
Tampa/Hillsborough County CoC Policies
Promoting Health In Homeless Shelters
ShelterApp Homeless Resources Map - Account Creation Instructions
Frequently Requested CoC Information and Forms
Housing Inventory Count Chart (HIC):
The Housing Inventory Count Chart is completed by THHI staff, in conjunction with providers, as part of the homeless count and submitted annually to HUD. The HIC collects information about all of the beds and units within our CoC dedicated solely for individuals and families who are literally homeless.
Click here to view (via HUD’s website) our CoC’s most recent and previous HICs.
Tampa/Hillsborough County CoC Policies:
The HEARTH Act amendments to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act codified in law the role and functions of the CoC to address homelessness through a coordinated community-based process of identifying needs and building a system of housing and services that addresses those needs. Each community is required to establish a CoC in compliance with the new (HUD) CoC Program interim rule.
It is the responsibility of each CoC to establish written policies, procedures, and standards to carry out their functions that are tailored to the specific needs and resources within their community AND are in accordance with the federal CoC regulations.
Continuum of Care Policies and Procedures (Coming soon)
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Policies and Procedures
(For more information about HUD’s CoC regulations visit HUD’s CoC Program User Guides, Tools, and Webinars webpage.)
Promoting Health In Homeless Shelters:
The Florida Department of Health in Hillsborough County created the Promoting Health in Homeless Shelters (PHHS) workgroup under the auspices of THHI to bring awareness to the threat of TB and other communicable diseases that disproportionately affect the homeless population. This was in response to the increase in tuberculosis (TB) outbreaks among homeless populations across the U.S., including Jacksonville, Florida. The goal of the workgroup is to create a plan to prevent a major TB outbreak in homeless shelters in the Tampa/Hillsborough County community.
ShelterApp Homeless Resources Map - Account Creation Instructions:
Our ShelterApp (formerly Strappd) has resources for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in the Tampa-Hillsborough County community. App users will be able to switch from List View to Map View and can filter services that are just open from the side menu. Users can click on any service to get more details like contact info, transit directions, and schedule for that service. The Flag button on the Home Screen will help you connect to an App Admin or Service Provider for that resource. Users can click on the Kudos button to show appreciation for the services they like.
If you are a community service provider and interested in listing your service, you can add/manage a service by signing up in the app. You can also update the number of beds available for shelters that you manage. All details entered by the service providers will be reviewed by us before getting published in the app.
Click here for detailed instructions on how to add your program to the app.
Frequently Requested CoC Information and Forms:
Easily and quickly access some of the most requested CoC information and forms, such as income limits, homeless verification forms, and more.