The resource information below is maintained by THHI and UNITY Information Network. It includes homeless assistance and other resources provided by community partner agencies within the Tampa/Hillsborough County Continuum of Care.
If seeking affordable housing, visit the Florida Housing Search online database. To access the available housing options in Hillsborough County, utilize the Hillsborough County Housing Search.
Private market landlords and property managers are critical to the success of permanent housing programs. Having access to safe and affordable rental units helps people to quickly exit homelessness. If you are a landlord with safe and affordable housing units, complete the Housing Unity Availability form below to inform the community housing agencies about your available unit(s).
Hillsborough County Health Care Plan
A comprehensive free managed care program for Hillsborough County residents with limited income and assets who do not qualify for other health care coverage, including Medicare and Medicaid. The program is funded by a special sales tax and administered by Hillsborough County. There are no premiums or copays for services covered by the Hillsborough County Health Care Plan.
The 560 In 560 Strategic Plan on Homelessness is the Tampa/Hillsborough County Continuum of Care's (CoC) plan to address unsheltered homelessness and some of the top causes of homelessness by providing housing opportunities to 560 people in 560 days beginning June 2019 to December 2020.
In order to truly address homelessness, the community must simultaneously address the top causes of homelessness:
A Continuum of Care (CoC) is a local, regional, or state-wide planning body responsible for organizing and delivering to meet the specific needs of people who are homeless as they move to stable housing and maximum self-sufficiency. It includes action steps to end homelessness and prevent a return to homelessness.
The Tampa/Hillsborough County CoC is a broad-based partnership led by THHI as the CoC lead agency. Through inter-agency coordination and collaboration, the CoC provides homeless individuals with effective services and helps them obtain affordable housing.
Organizations and individuals committed to reducing and ending homelessness make up the body of the CoC. Visit the Membership link for a list of current, active CoC members.
The UNITY Information Network (UNITY) is the Tampa/Hillsborough County Continuum of Care’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). HMIS is a shared, secure data system used by community partner agencies that assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. It collects information about the people being served through the homeless system of care.

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